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Frenglish with uncontrollable laughter and a serious case of talkativeness

Sunday, October 25, 2009

E!Sharp moves to the US

The parents are in town. Yes they can't stand the fact that I have been away for three whole weeks and personally came to see me.....yeah right. Actually Dad's in town to launch his EU magazine E!Sharp in the US and the British Ambassador Nigel Sheinwald very kindly has given him his residence to do the launch party.

Speaking of the Ambassador, I thought my parents would be the ones introducing me to him (a quick 2 and a half minute hello how are you, done). But believe it or not earlier on this week before the end of my shift I get an email from his secretary asking me to come up to his office! Now this is the end of the day right...my hair is disheveled, I've kicked off my high heels under my desk, my shirt is half tucked in. I go into this huge panic zoom where I'm whisking around my work colleagues asking for a brush, pins and the basics of any kind of makeup so I can actually look semi presentable. Up I go to level 3 (the big boss's level) and literally you open the door and it's like you've stepped into the plaza hotel. Everything is white and marble, with fountains and plants (all that was needed was some blue birds and perhaps so classical music). I'm welcomed in the office where the big man himself has taken 20 minutes of his precious time to what? To chat with me! I was thrilled to pieces as you can imagine.

1 comment:

Vic** said...

Waw!! It's amazing u got to meet him!!! :)
I never knew ur dad owned a magazine!
How did the party go?